Overseas LocationsVietnam


Site Area: Land 21,000㎡, Building 17,000㎡
Street 10, Tan Thuan EPZ, Tan Thuan Dong
Ward, Dist. 7, Ho Chi Minh City
TEL: (+84) 28-3770-1870
FAX: (+84) 28-3770-1871

No. 4 Plant
Vinh Long Province Southern Star Plant

Lot II-5 Hoa Phu Industrial Park, Phuoc Hoa Hamlet, Hoa Phu Commune,
Long Ho District, Vinh Long Province
TEL: (+84) 27-0396-2979
Site Area: Land 21,000㎡, Building 3,000㎡

History of Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh) factory

1995 January Decision to expand into Tan Thuan EPZ in Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam is finalized. (entered into 50-year lease agreement for 4,000m2 plot of land)
September Groundbreaking ceremony held; construction begins.
1996 March Construction of plant complete. Education and training of employees begins.
June Operation permit from Vietnamese government obtained, construction completion ceremony held.
1999 February Transferred to NC lathe. Started 3-shift work.
2000 November Acquired adjacent land to expand plant in response to steady increase in orders. Expansion of No. 1 Plant, start of second phase of construction.
2001 April New plant complete. NC equipment reinforced; operation begins.
May ISO9002:1994 certification acquired. Differentiation from latecomers made.
2002 May ISO9001:2000 certification acquired, further efforts at product quality improvement made.
2003 June Expansion of No. 1 Plant, third phase of construction complete, production expanded.
2004 March Entered into lease for adjacent 5,000m2 plot of land.
2005 October Construction of No. 2 Plant on adjacent land.
2006 March No. 2 Plant complete.
April Operation of No. 2 Plant begins.
June TOWA (Vietnam) celebrates 10 years since its establishment. Memorial ceremony held and commemorative trip taken by employees.
2007 October ISO14001: 2004 certification acquired. Differentiation from latecomers made.
2011 June Construction of No. 3 Plant on 12th Street No. 3 Site.
December Mass production of fuel injection nozzles begins.
2012 April No. 3 Plant complete, operation begins.
2016 June TOWA (Vietnam) celebrates 20th anniversary of founding. Memorial ceremony held and commemorative trip taken by employees.
2020 January Southern Star Plant completed. Operation begins.

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